Scale Fund Round Three – ‘Scale Up’

Round 3 of the Scale Fund – “Scale Up” – focused on taking innovative approaches to scale. These novel approaches reached Proof of Concept through support from Shiree’s Innovation Fund, and were then rolled out to additional beneficiary households in a broader geographic area. Supported projects incorporated: innovative use of technologies to smooth seasonal income patterns; introduction of new crop varieties or cropping techniques to mitigate disaster and climate risks; conditional cash transfers for beneficiary-led asset procurement; and market driven approaches to economic empowerment of the poorest. The Scale Up round supported five NGOs for a two and a half year period. Further information about each Scale Up project as well as its evaluation report can be found under each individual NGO page:

Helen Keller International
Mahideb Jubo Somaj Kallayan Somity (MJSKS)

KEY DATA – Round 3 (Scale Up)

  • July 2013 – Dec 2015
  • 12,000 households
  • £3.1 million budget

Links to important pages:

  • Scale Fund Round One
  • Scale Fund Round Two
  • Scale Fund Round Four – ‘Scale Out’