Scale Fund Round One

Round 1 of the Scale Fund was designed to cover a broad spectrum of issues facing the extreme poor including: increasing assets; technology transfers; improving market linkages; small business development; transferring khas land; and improving access to rights and social entitlements. Round 1 supported six NGOs for a total six year period, split into two 3-year Phases. Of these six NGOs, five focused on extreme rural poverty and one on extreme urban poverty in Dhaka. Further information about each Scale Fund Round One project as well as its evaluation report can be found under each individual NGO page:

Dushtha Shasthya Kendra (DSK)
Practical Action Bangladesh (PAB)
Save the Children International (SCI)

KEY DATA – Round 1

sandbar-croppingSandbar cropping of Pumpkins (Practical Action)

Phase 1:

  • Mar 2009 – Mar 2012
  • 82,850 households
  • £17.66 million budget

Phase 2:

  • Apr 2012 – Dec 2015
  • 96,000 households
  • £20.3 million budget

Links to important pages:

  • Scale Fund Round Two
  • Scale Fund Round Three – ‘Scale Up’
  • Scale Fund Round Four – ‘Scale Out’